Dutch Rabbit - Is A Popular Breed For Younger Children
The Dutch Rabbit has a very distinctive coat. The front half of the body is white and the back half is colored. They have a white wedge down the front of their face with the rest of their face being the same color as their body color. They have white front feet and white tipped back feet.
When showing a Dutch, 50% of the total score is judged on the markings. Breeders over the years have continued to improve the breed and expand the available varieties. They have maintained and perfected the distinctive markings the Dutch is known for. Today’s accepted varieties by the ARBA are, Black, Blue, Chocolate, Steel, Gray and Tortoise.
These rabbits have a compact body weighing between 3.5 – 5.5 pounds. As with any rabbit, the more you interact with your buddy the more sociable and easy temperament they will have. Even though these rabbits are known for being good-natured and having a great personality. They can be very energetic, so they will need a lot of attention and daily exercise.
The Dutch has a nice proportioned body. Their body is compact and well rounded. Their ears stand up straight.
This breed was once very popular, and then came the dwarf breeds and the Dutch popularity declined. However, there are many people that think the Dutch is still top bunny. Breeders and owners love to show their bunnies at rabbit shows. These rabbits are still among the Top 10 breeds worldwide. Even though a Dutch body is compact, they are not considered a dwarf.
The Dutch rabbit was actually developed in England although their name “Dutch” suggests it’s from the Netherlands. During the 1830’s rabbits were imported weekly from Belgium to England for the meat market. Amongst these rabbits was a breed know
as the Petite Brabancon, which originated from Brabant in Flanders. The Dutch rabbit has its roots from this breed. The petite Brabancon would often display the markings of the Dutch and England breeders selected those with even markings and fixing those markings into the breed we know today.
The Dutch is a great rabbit for children and adults. (Small children should be under adult supervision.) They are an intelligent, docile rabbit with a playful behavior, which make them easy to train.
Descriptions of Dutch Rabbit and other breeds.
Here are some interesting facts about rabbits!
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