About Me Page
Hello and Thank You for stopping by.
Let me tell you a little about me and why I’m writing about rabbits.
I didn’t know much about rabbits except they were so cute. Then many years ago, friends of mine gave me my first bunny as a Christmas present. I named him Foo. Foo was a mini-lop, he was white and tan in color.
When I took him to the vet for a check-up, I asked if they had any information on what I should do. They gave me some info that helped me get started.
Foo and I then started are lives together. With me being a new bunny mom, I had to learn the best way to raise him. Little did I know, when I thought I had all the bases covered, Foo showed me I didn’t. I learned as much as I could about house rabbits so hopefully I could make sure Foo was safe and happy.
As the years went on I became known as the rabbit expert to family and friends. I think they were all surprised that rabbits could be trained to use litter boxes and how much of a personality they have.
(The above photo is of Foo who is trying to hide from me. He wants to eat my plant, which you can tell he has already chewed!)
I have had a total of 4 rabbits; Oreo is the only one still living. What a joy it is to have one or two of these lovely creatures in my life.
Foo was a very friendly guy. When someone came over he came out to check them out. Foo also loved to lie with me on the couch so I could pet him. After Foo pasted, I received Petie when he was around 8 weeks old. He was so small that he fit in the palm of my hand. I really had to do some bunny-proofing for him.
Petie was a regular size bunny, grey and white in color. There was some Angora in him because he had some wispy hairs on his head and body. He was also my shadow, anywhere I went Petie went. He was my office partner. Then I bunny-napped Oreo from my niece. She was becoming a teenager and wasn’t interested in Oreo as much. Oreo was kept outdoors, which I didn’t like. So I asked if I could have him and I took him home. Petie and Oreo became best buds.
Oreo is a mini-lop eared bunny and his color is dark brown. Then I received Izzy from my apartment manager. Izzy was from a litter that their daughter’s rabbit had and they could not find a good home for him, so I took him. However, Izzy was a very nervous rabbit and never got use to the other boys. Izzy was a regular bunny and his color was a silvery-gray.
I kept Izzy in a large pen so everyone could get to know one another but poor Izzy never did. My little Izzy had a nervous problem and no matter what I did, he remained that way. Then one day I saw that he was dragging is backside. I took him to the vet and they told me that my Izzy was paralyzed and I had to say goodbye to him. That was such a difficult day. The doctor told me he would not get any better and there was nothing he or I could do for him.
I was glad that they allowed me to hold Izzy while he fell into eternal sleep. Even though he was only with me for a short time, he was sorely missed. Izzy was a beautiful rabbit.
So I decided to share with you the information I have learned and let other people know how Wonderful Rabbits are. They truly do make wonderful pets.
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